Dr. Mrs. Ranjana Navale – Female Piles Specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad Pune

Piles / Haemorrhoids – Piles are nothing but varicosities of haemorrhoidal plexuses in the mucocutaneous lining of the anal canal. These are swollen and inflamed veins in the lower rectum and anus. They can be internal (located inside the rectum) or external (located under the skin around the anus).

  • Commonly people call it मूळव्याध OR बवासीर
  • It is a common disease of anal canal for which patient complains to his doctor.

Types of Piles – Internal And External Piles

Types of piles

Internal Piles – Internal piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins located inside the rectum, above the dentate line (about 2-3 cm inside the anus). Unlike external piles, you usually cannot see or feel them unless they prolapse, meaning they push out through the anus during bowel movements or straining.

External Piles – External piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins that develop under the skin surrounding the anus. Unlike internal piles, you can typically see and feel them as lumps or bumps near the anus.

– Bleeding at stool is the first complaint,
– Protruding mass on straining or defecation,
– Pains can feel only in case of Ext. Thrombosed Piles
– Itching at anal region,

Associated Symptoms
– Ultimate blood loss causing anaemia, and
– weakness, lethargy, dizziness etc.,
– Poor health, low vitality, Poor performance at work etc.

– Herediatary,
– Constipation / Straining,
– Irregular bowel habits,
– Chronic Dysentry or Diarrhoea,
– Obesity,
– Pregnancy – increased pressure on superior haemorrhoidal vein.

– There are four stages of piles. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

Classification Of Stages –
1st stage – No prolapse of piles mass , just prominent blood vessel,
2nd stage – Prolapse of piles mass on bearing down but spontaneously reduced,
3rd stage – Prolapse of piles mass on bearing down but require manual reduction,
4th stage – Prolapse of piles mass on bearing down which won’t get manual

Treatment – Treatment depends on stages of Piles.
– Usually 1st degree internal piles can be conserved with treatment along with dietary restructions.
– However, 2nd, 3rd & 4th stage Internal Piles require Ayurvedic Kshar  sutra treatment followed by dietary restrictions to avoid constipation.

Different treatments available for Excision of piles –
– Injection Therapy,
– Rubber band ligation,
– Cryo surgery,
– Modern surgery,
– Stappler Therapy,
– Doppler,
– Infra red coagulation,
– Ayurvedic Kshar sutra therapy.

Above all, Ayurvedic Kshar sutra treatment is the safest and most successful option available with less complications and no recurrence. If you are suffering from piles Consult Dr. Mrs. Ranjana Navale At Navale Hospital in Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune